written by Dr. med. Klaus-Christopher Amelung (Deutsche Demenzhilfe)
The term "dementia" covers many different diseases in which cognitive abilities, i.e. perception and thinking, are impaired due to changes in the brain.
People with dementia experience a decline in memory and recall. Their perception of their surroundings deteriorates, and thinking, learning and planning are increasingly limited. People with dementia therefore have more and more problems in everyday life as the disease progresses.
How does dementia develop?
There are numerous factors that can trigger dementia. In most cases, neurodegenerative diseases and/or circulatory disorders of the brain are the underlying causes. Rare causes of dementia include, for example, metabolic diseases, medications or vitamin deficiencies.
What challenges do dementia patients have?
People who have dementia and their loved ones face many challenges: One of the early symptoms of dementia is memory loss, which makes it difficult to remember past events or retain information. They may have difficulty expressing their thoughts and needs, which can lead to confusion and frustration, and often have trouble navigating familiar environments. Dementia can also lead to changes in behavior and personality, including aggression, anxiety, depression and paranoia. In the advanced stages of dementia, most people rely on the assistance of others to meet their daily needs.
These are just some of the challenges people with dementia face:
- Forgetfulness
- Concentration problems
- Impairment of the ability to think
- Difficulties with everyday
- speech problems
- Orientation problems
- Mood swings
- Change in behavior and personality
How can the disease be treated?
Unfortunately, there is no cure for dementia yet. Therefore, treatment focuses on managing symptoms and improving the quality of life for the affected person and their family. Here are some of the most common treatment options for dementia:
Medication: some types of dementia can be treated with medications that can slow the progression of the disease or relieve symptoms.
Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy can help manage anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues that can occur with dementia.
Memory training and cognitive stimulation: memory training and cognitive stimulation can help maintain and improve memory and cognitive skills.
Care and support: care and support are an important part of dementia treatment. This includes providing a safe and familiar environment, regular activities, and social contact.
Nutrition and physical activity: A healthy diet and regular physical activity can help improve physical health and well-being.
DOs in dealing with people affected by dementia
Family members and loved ones can play an important role in supporting people with dementia. Here are some tips on how they can help:
Understanding and patience: Dementia can show up in changes in behavior and memory, which can be frustrating for family members and loved ones. It is important to show patience and understanding and remember that the changes are part of the disease.
Communication: try to give clear and simple directions and listen when the person with dementia is talking. Avoid interrupting or correcting them unless necessary.
Routines and structure: try to establish a regular routine and structure to reduce confusion and anxiety.
Activities and social contact: Attempts to involve the person with dementia in activities and social contacts to avoid isolation and increase self-esteem.
Care and support: family members and loved ones can provide important care and support services, including providing basic needs, monitoring health and safety, and encouraging social activities.
DON'Ts in dealing with people affected by dementia
When dealing with dementia patients, it can be important to avoid certain behaviors to reduce stress and confusion and create a positive environment. Here are some behaviors loved ones should avoid:
Overwork: avoid overwhelming the person with dementia with too many tasks or responsibilities.
Criticism or correction: avoid being critical or corrective to the person. Instead, you should show understanding and patience.
Excessive changes: Avoid changing the person's environment too quickly or too much, as this can cause confusion and anxiety.
Ignoring needs: Avoid ignoring or overriding the person's needs, such as the need for exercise, food, or care.
Too much stress and anxiety: Avoid exposing the person with dementia to unnecessary stress or anxiety, for example, by avoiding bad news or conflict.